Original Coinolas are nice because they are original and have history,
but how many are still playing as they should be? And the homemade
instruments also fall into disrepair.
Can someone tell me the ratio of glockenspiels to xylophones fitted in
Coinola "X"'s and others? Personally, those metal bars dinging away
spoils the whole machine, as it is difficult to hear the melody in true
form. Drums and other percussion cannot be heard as should be whilst
this solo instrument is on. After 80 years, old drums in old instruments
can have warped frames, and the skins are not in good shape and can
sound dead.
My homemade orchestrion does not have the drum expression but I have
taken pains to get all the instruments in balance. I have just bought
a new Picollo snare drum costing around $200.00. The single beater on
this travels only 1/4" on a vacuum of 22"; any more travel just sounds
too loud.
There is a reiterating xylophone, an accordion, and, in place of the
wood block, there are castanets. I replaced the wood block as it
appeared to spoil the music. The castanets are very suitable when
playing Latin American music and can be operated a long time throughout
the tune without becoming irritable. Musically my orchestrion would be
on par with a Coinola CO but in a regular size piano.
The homemade orchestrions can sound as good if not better than the
originals if time, patience, skill and engineering are put into them.
Steve Bentley
Vancouver BC