Through the initiative and kindness of Peter Phillips in Australia,
approximately 110 performances out of the recent Piano e-Competition in
Minneapolis are now available to all on a CD in MIDI format. Yamaha,
the major sponsor of this competition, placed these performances on
their web site for anybody who wishes to download them.
Not all 110 performances are currently available on this web site.
Peter followed this competition closely and, as each performance was
posted for a limited time on Yamaha's e-Competition site, he
thoughtfully captured them all. There is apparently no copyright
concerns so long as "profit" is not an issue.
Peter built a CD containing all 110 performances and recently announced
on MMD that copies of this CD for Canadians and Americans are available
from me for a modest cost recovery fee of $10 (US). This is not a "for
profit" venture. The $10 (US) basically pays for blank CD's, jewel
cases, labels, ink-jet ink, mailing envelopes and postage.
I understand Peter is making copies available for those in his area of
the globe. Those outside USA and Canada can contact Peter or myself.
Additional postage for far-away lands isn't really that much extra and
can likely be absorbed within the overall $10 (US).
Ideally, payment should be in the form of a prepaid US dollar world
bank money order or postal money order. I've had good success in
depositing personal US dollar checks from the USA into my Canadian
bank. Not so with personal checks from other countries.
To make it as easy as possible for some, payment may be made in some
prepaid money order type instrument in a currency of choice, equal
in value to $10 (US). My Canadian bank has never quarreled about
depositing a money order in a currency roughly equal in value to
$10 (US), even euros.
My mailing address is:
Terry Smythe
55 Rowand Avenue
Winnipeg, MB
Canada R3J 2N6
Peter's mailing address is:
Peter Phillips
26 Alice Street
Padstow, 2211
NSW, Australia
Please be sure to include your full mailing address.
Please be sure to say "Thanks!" to Peter who made this offering
Terry Smythe
Winnipeg, MB, Canada