To anyone interested, I have found a site I registered on several
years ago that has a free homepage. It's not very fancy and you're
limited to their layouts, etc., but it was the perfect fit for the
five pictures I have. You can check them out at
In reference to the mechanism, I had tried it out right away when I got
it. It actually started playing as soon as I had pulled on the lever
so it must have stopped in the middle of a song when it wound down last.
It seemed slow so I pulled the lever a few times (don't remember how
many). From what I've read I guess I'm extremely lucky because it
played through the songs just fine and the governor is working as well
as the stop lever. I did notice a "tinny" sound to some of the notes
and was told that it probably needs some damper work.
I've also taken the movement out before I got the advice against
handling it. I have been taking extreme care while handling it though.
I currently have it resting on a terrycloth towel, doubled underneath,
with the excess draped over top of it.
Tim Kramer