I recently built a John Smith Busker organ, not from a kit but just
using his plan and finding my own material. I am quite pleased with
the finished instrument and it has been well received at several model
engineering shows.
See http://freespace.virgin.net/chris.doe/jsmith/jsmith.htm
The plans are a bit sketchy, and some of the dimensions are incorrect.
You must be very careful to look ahead as you build, to make sure the
parts will fit. In particular, the dimensions given for the feed
rollers will result in a cranking rate that is much too fast.
The text gives a paper speed and, if you re-calculate the feed rollers
with that number, things work well. This does cause a relocation of
the crankshaft and my machine now has some extra holes that somewhat
spoil its look. I am planning to build another machine and to
incorporate a valve in it so it's not a direct air feed through the
I think John Smith's plan is a fine plan for a simple instrument, and
it has provided me a starting point for what I hope will be a much
finer instrument.
Ron Ginger
[ Descriptions of the John Smith busker organs are at
[ http://freespace.virgin.net/chris.doe/jsmith/26note.htm
[ and http://www.melright.com/busker/jsmith.htm
[ Construction plans may be purchased from
[ http://www.rollcutter.com/plans.htm
[ The John Smith 26-note organ plays 110 mm wide paper music rolls,
[ including "Raffin standard" rolls and also extended 26-note rolls.
[ -- Robbie