To All: Who can enlighten me (for an inquirer responding to my web
site) about the identity and activity of these two roll companies:
Art-Echo and Recordo?
As seems evident, they leased or perhaps (though this is unlikely)
simply reissued (copied) rolls of the majors, including Ampico, Duo-Art
and Welte, both original T-100 and Licensee.
The classical rolls (I know not of other issues) reflect an awareness
of the choice items from the catalogs. There is little dross, to my
mind. Were the releases redo's of the rolls in question to accommodate
a differing reproducing system? Having written that, I'd say the
answer is obvious, but...
I'd appreciate enlightenment from collectors, or directions as to
information, perhaps from the MMD Archives? (Robbie?)
Appreciate any and all attention, and I will relay the info to the
Best to all,
Albert M. Petrak, Founder
The Reproducing Piano Roll Foundation (Cleveland, OH)
[ MMD articles about Recordo and Art-Echo, and the related Apollo,
[ are indexed at
[ Recordo and Art-Echo rolls are both discussed in the
[ well-researched book, "The Billings rollography : player
[ piano music from 1917 to 1934", available from the authors:
[ Bob & Ginny Billings <>
[ 14010 Rim Rock Drive
[ Reno, NV 89511 USA
[ tel.: 775-853-4659
[ -- Robbie