I am trying to complete the master catalog of Polyphon 19-5/8" musical
box discs, all starting with 5,000. The same numbers are used for
22" discs (9,000 series) or for 24-1/2" discs (4,000 series), so
40106 / 50106 / 90106 are all the same title in the three different
sizes of disc. Please let me know if you can fill in any blanks.
Missing numbers, as of 7 July 2002, are :-
5126 5127 5128 5129 5130 5131 5406 5618
5753 5754 5878 5880 5999.
2nd series :-
50044 50081 50082 50084 50286 50287 50288
50289 50291 50292 50293 50294 50295 50296
50297 50298 50299 50301 50308 50325 50349
50351 50352 50353 50354 50355 50356 50369
50449 50452 50455 50456 50457 50458 50459
50461 50462 50463 50464 50465 50466 50467
50468 50469 50470 50471 50472 50473 50474
50475 50476 50477 50478 50479 50522 50523
50524 50529 50530 50531 50577 50578 50579
50580 50581 50582 50583 50592 50593 50621
50635 50638 50639 50640 50641 50642 50643
50644 50645 50646 50647 50648 50649 50650
50651 50652 50653 50654 50655 50656 50657
50658 50659 50660 50661 50662 50663 50664
50665 50666 50667 50672 50673 50674 50675
50676 50677 50682 50701 50703 50604 50611
50612 50613 50614 50615 50616 50617 50618
50619 50620 50621 50622 50623 50626 50741
50770 50771 50776 50777 50778 50779 50780
50781 50782 50783 50785 50790 50795 50803
50804 50811 50812 50813 50814 50836 50846
50847 50848 50849 50850 50858 50864 50865
50866 50867 50868 50869 50870 50871 50872
50875 50877 50878 50879 50880 50881 50882
50895 50896 50697 50991 50993 50994 50998
50999 51000 51001 51002 51003 51005 + higher.
Kevin McElhone, Archivist Musical Box Society G.B.