Ray Finch was writing about substitutes for Player piano tubing. I
don't know about others, but I hate to run into that thick, stiff
1/8" ID rubber tubing in a player. Why not buy it from the proper
sources and get the stuff designed for player pianos? Besides, it's
Another thing I hate to see is radiator hose, and masking tape wound
around elbows and nipples to fill up the space. I understand when this
is just to be a spot fix, and when there may be one of these in a
player piano, then, no big deal. But Ray and others who worry about
supplies really should ask questions first, rather than proposing
changes, because everyone who restores their player piano must, first
and foremost, understand that using the correct supplies and materials
will go far to assure them of a good job the first time. That's easily
one-half of the purpose of the MMD, and I frankly am surprised that
the editor didn't note it.
Many rebuilders subscribe to the MMD and already know what to use
and where to buy it. So please, if you have a question ask it,
rather than propose a solution which is wrong. Switcheroos are
almost never right, and mislead others who likewise don't know. Ask
questions first -- please.
Craig Brougher