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MMD > Archives > May 2002 > 2002.05.28 > 14Prev  Next

Windows, DOS & Macintosh Operating Systems
By Michael Gebert

Not that the world needs yet another place that the Mac-Windows fight
is raging, but as an advertising professional, please let me state for
the record that the following opinion is completely unsupported by
reality in my business:

"[In Europe] the MAC is hardly found nowadays except, indeed, in
graphics surroundings.  One of the reasons for that is that the
graphics world (based, in fact, directly on the work of monks copying
books) is slow to adopt new techniques."

Almost nothing but Macs are found in the graphics world (Europe
included) because Macs remain so much more useful, and Windows machines
remain so clueless, for such jobs as typesetting, photo retouching, and
-- to name new techniques spreading like wildfire -- video editing,
movie special effects, etc.

As for the notion that there are lots of things you can do on a Windows
machine that you can't on a Mac, well, before you buy a computer based
on that argument you should check it out based on the things you plan
to do with the computer.  Basically, if you're going to run large
company payroll systems or other heavy-duty business applications, you
should get Windows.

If you're going to, say, edit your home movies and burn them onto DVDs,
you should run away from Windows as fast as you can.  If you have some
arcane player piano software from 1996 that you just have to run, buy
whatever will run it, obviously.

But make an informed choice; millions of people own computers they
don't like because they bought what they thought they had to buy.

Michael Gebert, Writer

(Message sent Tue 28 May 2002, 05:44:37 GMT, from time zone GMT-0500.)

Key Words in Subject:  DOS, Macintosh, Operating, Systems, Windows

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