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MMD > Archives > May 2002 > 2002.05.02 > 12Prev  Next

Seek Ampico "B" Rolls
By Rick Cooley

Hi Gang,  When Phil Jamison offered the deal on the Ampico "B" in a
recent posting, I jumped at the deal.  (He is only 25 miles away and
delivered it and set it back up.)  Although professionally restored,
it had been kept in a very dry area for several years.  However, after
85 gallons of water were released into the large music room, it sprang
to life "just like new."  Wow, what a difference.

Now, the problem.  I have about 200 new recut rolls for the Ampico "A"
but _none_ for this recently restored "B." I need your help in locating
a library of playable condition "B" rolls for sale.  These are the ones
with the tiny stars in the lower right and left corner of the label.
Although most were multi-tune, I understand that some were produced
in the smaller sizes.  In my case, "jumbo" size would be perfect.
Although the "A"s play on the "B" instrument, I understand that there
is a world of difference when "B" rolls play on a "B".

I am interested in groups of playing condition "B" rolls since
the shipping on single rolls is high.  Any help would be greatly
appreciated.  Please respond to <>.

Thanks friends,

Rick and Betty Cooley

PS. I tried to start a thread on the MMD that thanked folks for jobs
well done.  The string died after only one other submission.  Are there
no more folks out there who receive "Great service!" anymore?
Sad if true??

(Message sent Thu 2 May 2002, 15:28:41 GMT, from time zone GMT-0400.)

Key Words in Subject:  Ampico, B, Rolls, Seek

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