My 5 cents on how to call the "Drehorgel". ;-)
I was quite puzzled when I first came across the word "busker organ",
but actually this is what I'm sticking to right now. When I get asked
on the street (and I do get asked a lot), I always come up with about
the whole list of names, but in the end I tell them: "The correct
current term is busker organ, because that is what I am doing. There
is no barrel inside, the monkey is fake and it is _not_ a hurdy-gurdy!"
In an attempt to "make it fit", I would want to create the name
"player organ" according to the same methods as in "player piano"
(rolls), but if I'm not quite wrong, that term is used otherwise?
greetings by(e) InK - Ingmar Krause
[ We Yanks (and maybe the Brits, too) might think of a big residence
[ organ fitted with a player, but otherwise the distinction is only
[ the size. The same size ambiguity already exists with "street
[ organ". -- Robbie