I completely agree with Craig Brougher. Knees will never have the
drawer in the way of a pianist performing on an Ampico. The operative
word there was "performing".
However, if you are a classically trained pianist with a bad back
like myself (too many piano moves?), you will have a problem. I used
to practice long hours and, to work out something from the sheet music,
I sat in a stenographer's chair with the seat cranked up to correct
height and pulled way too close to the keyboard to satisfy my piano
teachers. I found this would allow me to spend hours at the keyboard
with my glasses off, working out each measure with my back supported.
I cannot do this comfortably with a Welte or Ampico drawer in the way.
Once the music is learned, however, out comes the piano bench, away
goes the rolling chair and the performance begins.
D.L. Bullock
St. Louis
[ Several times I have contemplated elevating my low-slung Ampico
[ grand by adding blocks between the legs and the case. Then I could
[ use a standard height bench instead of the matching Ampico "lowboy"
[ bench. -- Robbie