MIDI-to-pneumatic conversion seems to be pretty well in hand, what
with Octet and Devtronix equipment available to drive valves -- it's
available without a lot of fuss.
How about pre-built gizmos of the opposite smack? I have a Seeburg
"L", and it occurred to me that if I could get MIDI output without
a lot of fuss and clutter, I could hook up a small MIDI module (such
as "NanoPiano") and get not just xylophone, but bells, strings lots of
stuff, from a little box that's about 3x5x2 inches.
Does such a converter exist? Note the words "pre-built" and "without
a lot of fuss and clutter." That's the hard part.
George Bogatko
[ Jim Moore installed a Gulbransen sensor strip in his grand piano, see
[ http://mmd.foxtail.com/Archives/Digests/199704/1997.04.18.14.html
[ It's made by Gulbransen, Inc., http://www.gulbransen.com/products.htm
[ Since your cabinet piano has no keyboard, you might use Andy
[ Taylor's adaptation of the similar QRS MIDI recording strip to
[ function from the motion of the wippens; see
[ http://mmd.foxtail.com/Archives/Digests/199712/1997.12.01.11.html
[ and http://www.qrsmusic.com/mall/pmm_details.asp?qrs_cat=70484
[ The most precise method would be a chest of pneumatic pouch
[ switches as described by Richard Vance in his feature article,
[ "Pneumatic Switch Assembly for Reading Music Rolls", at
[ http://mmd.foxtail.com/Tech/vanceSwitch1.html
[ I'm afraid, though, that all of these methods incur a lot of "fuss
[ and clutter". Maybe a market will emerge someday for exactly what
[ you seek. -- Robbie