I wasn't referring to solenoid type systems, I was replying to the
question presented, which specifically asked about the added value of
an _Ampico_ player. I totally agree with the comment about solenoid
players. They are a major part of our sales, too. Roll players are
not. They are what I was referring to as being a detriment to the
sale of a particular instrument.
Terry Robson
[ Veteran player piano salesman Lou Berger, who in recent decades was
[ marketing director for several manufacturers, says that player pianos
[ of any sort are purchased nowadays for "recreation entertainment".
[ Customers who enjoy nostalgia will buy a roll playing piano, while
[ those who enjoy high-tech will have more interest in an instrument
[ that plays music from a diskette. Lou says it's nice to have all
[ player types in the showroom so the salesman has a variety to offer
[ for comparison. -- Robbie