You have a specific project in mind, no doubt, Carl, and without
knowing _exactly_ which problems you are trying to solve, it is
hard to answer.
The most obvious differences arise because all the 116-note players
I've seen operate on pressure wind, whilst the 176-note roll players
use vacuum. This affects spool-box design, tracking mechanism, and
the switch trays and their bleeds. I'm wondering if you want to play
both types of rolls on one system, which was actually done, so is
perfectly feasible.
Re playing 58-note music, you _must_ have the means to cut off the top
set of holes, and often a device for increasing the size of the bleeds
(or bringing in a second set of bleeds), although my 116/58 note player
seems not to have variable bleed size. I find 58-note rolls play well
on my pipe organ. Hope this helps.
Paul Morris