Dear Colleagues: I have followed the topic of the value of AMICA with
costs with interest because (1) I am now the Pacific Can-Am Chapter
representative to the AMICA Board, and (2) because I am convention
chair for the 2003 meeting (Portland, Oregon, August 20-24, 2003).
Al Menashe of Portland is Co-Chair. I note the following:
First, the AMICA dues increase is extremely modest, and we on the
Board considered in great detail every aspect of this matter. It is
not true that this dues increase is driven by the reprints accompanying
the AMICA Bulletin. In 2000, that cost was $3,502, only approximately
one eighth of the cost of the Bulletin itself. If people in the
organization do not want these reprints, they should tell their
representatives or me, for that matter, and the Board can deal with
this issue. The benefits of being in AMICA are national including the
Bulletin and the convention but also local with the local chapters and
multiple contacts with people having similar interests.
Second, we are doing everything that we can to keep the convention
costs down for the 2003 meeting, and I am 100% confident that this was
done for the Arkansas meeting later this year. $175 may sound like a
lot, but as Convention Chair for the 2003 meeting, I can tell you that
it is not. Everything costs money including hotel meals (everyone
expects them including a banquet), hotel meeting rooms with an
always-open Hospitality Suite, a dance band, honorarium for at least
one guest artist, a souvenir roll, bus trips (check this expense out
yourself), free registration for senior members, admissions paid to
attractions for everyone, registration materials, table favors, moving
costs for instruments, national publicity, printing of convention
programs, etc., etc., etc. Believe me, if people don't want any of
these things, it is fine with me. Just tell me what you don't want,
and if there is any consensus at all on anything, I will bring it to
our Convention Committee for review. At the moment, we don't have the
fee set for the 2003 meeting, but I expect that we will have it set by
the end of March, so this is a good time for your input.
I would warmly welcome anyone who would care to communicate with me
about these matters. Let's together do everything we can to keep AMICA
a truly useful organization for all of us.
Carl Dodrill
Mercer Island WA