[ Ref 011231 MMDigest ]
Hello MMD readers, If you checked-out our illustrated "Monmouth,
Maine" page, launched a few days ago, the two pictures of the
window display featuring player rolls were admittedly fuzzy, to
say the least, due to difficult photographic conditions.
The lady who asked me to participate in this museum exhibit has
just recreated some of it in her own home. Thus I have updated
http://www.wiscasset.net/artcraft/monmouth.htm (featuring pictures
of that town's unique concert hall, in Winter!) with a supplementary
linked page: http://www.wiscasset.net/artcraft/display2.htm There
were some changes in the second presentation, so if one's interested,
they can jump between the two linked URLs.
Issue #11 of our newsletter should be out at the end of the month.
Winter activities and roll backorder work are keeping us busy here
in the Maine studio. Issues #1 through #10 are here:
Douglas Henderson - Artcraft Music Rolls
Wiscasset, ME