Happy New Year To All! Thanks to Bob Essex for his kind remarks
regarding the video 'Organ Grinding In The U.K.'.
The visit to England was wonderful. It was a real treat to visit with
Bob Essex and John Smith. These men have done much to encourage home
building of small organs and creating ones own music using a computer
controlled punch. They not only have much experience in organ
building, but are willing to share their expertise, making it possible
for others to enjoy the hobby. In fact, I find the 'organ grinding
group' a great bunch of people. I look forward to meeting more of you
as we attend events across the country. I think it would be great if
Bob and John could come to the USA to attend a special event organized
for that purpose. Maybe someday that could happen.
For those of you that have asked for details on the video, you may
check it out further at my web site, http://www.wrgn.com/streetor.htm
Burl F. Updyke