Dear MMDs, All my best wishes for 2002 ! And a big hurrah for
Robbie Rhodes and Jody Kravitz for managing this MMD mailing list
of 1145 subscribers ! I just wonder how they find time to do it
(especially when you know they do a lot of time-consuming other things,
like playing the piano ...).
Here in France, we learn to count in euros, our new currency, the value
of which is about 10% below that of the US dollar, which should make
exchanges and understanding between our countries easier.
Best wishes too from my web pages musica mecanica (with some season
greetings postcards, and always a big worldwide listing or associations,
museums and links; these pages will be soon updated, I promise !), and
from the French association AAIMM.
Kind regards,
Philippe Rouille (Paris, France)
[ The renewal notice for "Het Pierement", the journal of KDV, says
[ "the Dutch guilder is no longer a legal tender!" I'm sure similar
[ reminders to pay with euros will be sent to members of GSM and
[ AAIMM. Centuries of sovereignty are fast disappearing...
[ Oanda currency converter (
[ reports 1 US dollar (USD) = 1.12471 euro, or 1 euro = 0.88912 USD.
[ Best Wishes and Bonne Annee to you and to AAIMM! -- Robbie