I seek clarification of roll identities. In refining my listings of
catalog information for the various roll companies, I am puzzled by
the following: In the Welte-Mignon (Licensee) catalog, there appears
to be no roll of the first movement of Tchaikovsky's Symphony No. 5,
Op. 64, e. What we have is:
7885 Tchaikovsky - Symphony No. 5, Op. 64, e 2nd Mvt.
(Robinson & Singer)
7905 Tchaikovsky - Symphony No. 5, Op. 64 e 3rd Mvt.
(Robinson & Singer)
7910 Tchaikovsky - Symphony No. 5, Op. 64, e 4th Mvt.
(Robinson & Singer)
I can't imagine the company issuing all but the first movement, but am
unable to find any reference to it in the numbers preceding this late
listing. Can whoever owns the complete set (or just the roll itself)
clarify for me? Much appreciated.
Albert M. Petrak, Founder
The Reproducing Piano Roll Foundation