Tony Marsico poses the following hypothetical question and response
in his submission of 11/15/01, Preserving Cultural Heritage:
> When was the last time you saw a really good Welte catalog of
> available rolls? What about the hundreds of Artrio Angelus's
> and Apollo's? When the rolls aren't available anymore then
> they will really start disappearing.
Tony is right when he states that reproducing pianos have a lower
survival rate when there is no music available to play on them.
But contrary to what Tony says, there at least three companies
struggling to bring interesting, high-quality Welte rolls to market,
but the response is hardly overwhelming:
1. Leedy Brothers:
2. Robin Pratt - Artists' Choice
3. Tim Baxter - Meliora Music Rolls
Due to the paucity of interest, at least one of these manufacturers
only offers the rolls on a pre-ordered basis.
Pardon this unabashed plug, but it is on topic:
if reproducing piano owners do not support the sale of new rolls, especially
for less popular systems, then folks will stop selling such rolls.
Eventually no music will be available for such reproducing pianos and their
gutting will be guaranteed. Both pianos _and_ an interesting catalog of
music need to be available for these pianos' survival.
Think about it -- and support your sellers of new rolls!
Tim Baxter
Atlanta, GA