One of the fascinating pictures in the new book, "Im Aufnahmesalon
Hupfeld - Anno 1910", is of a figure sitting among a number of empty
chairs, with his back to viewer. It is Edvard Grieg. It was taken in
the Phonola-Haus (Konzertsaal) Berlin, 1907. His hair is completely
white and he is watching one of the staff there playing his rolls by
means of a push-up player on a (probably) 7' grand piano. (A Bluethner?
I can't see the label.) The descriptive legend simply states who it
is and where the picture was taken.
On another page is given the roll recording detail, as follows:
12076 Albumblatt, Op. 28, No. 1, A
12077 Albumblatt, Op. 28, No. 2, F
12078 Berceuse (Cradle Song), Op. 38, No. 1, G
12079 Erotik (Poeme Erotique), Op. 43, No. 5, F
12080 Hochzeitstag (Wedding Day at Troldhaugen), Op. 66, No. 6
12081 Humoresque, Op. 6, No. 2, g#.
His comment, printed at the bottom of a page he shares with Emil von
Sauer (the only two artists whose repertoire is given in the book),
is as follows:
"Die Erfindung der Phonola ist ein Segen fuer die Klavier spielende
Menschheit und es mueszte dahin kommen, das selbst die Kuenstler dich
der Phonola oeffentlich bedienten."
[ I hope this translation is sensible: "The invention of the Phonola
[ is a blessing for piano playing mankind and it must therefore follow
[ that the Phonola artists themselves openly operated the Phonola."
[ -- Robbie
The Reproducing Piano Roll Foundation, working with the editor,
Frau Eszter Fontana, director of the Mechanical Music Museum at the
University of Leipzig, has commissioned an English translation now
in progress. When completed, it will accompany the book. Arrangements
will be made to bring in a quantity of the publication, hoping to
interest libraries throughout the country in obtaining a copy; we would
like, as well, to provide it to individuals who might otherwise not buy
it, without translation.
Frau Fontana and her major contributors, Hans-W. Schmitz and Dr. Martin
Elste, are of course delighted at the developments, stating that the
University agreed to sponsor the printing but no money was available
for an edition with English text (too expensive). So I am hoping this
compromise will be sufficient. I am hoping to have it in hand by the
early part of 2002, and will advise of its availability when that has
been accomplished.
In my opinion this book is absolutely "de rigeur" for any collector
interested in the historic aspect of this hobby.
Albert Petrak
[ "Namhafte Pianisten Im Aufnahmesalon Hupfeld {Renowned pianists
[ in the Hupfeld recording salon}", published by Eszter Fontana;
[ Halle: Stekovics, 2001; 114 pages.
[ ISBN 3-932863-34-8 (C) 2000 Verlag Janos Stekovics, Halle an der Saale
[ ISBN 3-9804574-4-3 (C) 2000 Verlag des Musikinstrumenten-Museums
[ der Universitaet Leipzig)