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Hello, I just stumbled across your site on a web search, and I was
wondering if you might possibly be able to help me, or point me in
the right direction. (I just printed out your links page for further
I'm preparing a lecture on music at the 1901 Pan-American Exposition,
to be delivered in two weeks at the University of Buffalo. As you may
be aware, several mechanical instruments were exhibited at the Pan-Am,
including the Pianola and Aeolian organ, as well as an orchestrion which
seems to have been associated with Frank Bostock's animal show.
If you happen to have any information on this topic (I confess I know
so little about mechanical instruments, I can't really tell you exactly
what I'm looking for), on these instruments, or any other Pan-Am
related topic, please get in touch with me or pass my email address
on to someone else who might be able to help. (I already have the
Aeolian pamphlet reproduced on the University of Buffalo website.)
Thank you.
Tom Bingham <tomandceil@bigsplat.net>