I know, without doubt, that some of you guys will know exactly what
I need for the following. I'm trying to accomplish setting a minimum
off time between like notes so that the Pianocorder solenoids have
enough time to retract between repeating notes.
History: I have Powertracks MIDI editing software. The default
resolution appears to be 292 ticks per quarter note. The program has
an "eliminate note overlap" function, which only goes up to 15 ticks,
which will, in a couple of clicks, search out all like notes and make
a minimum off time between them of 15 ticks. (Well, sort-of.)
I use the maximum 15 tick setting as regards the following:
Initially the "eliminate note overlap" function would set a minimum
spacing between any two like notes whether they actually did overlap or
not. As long as there were less than 15 ticks between the two notes,
the option would work, by reducing the duration of the first note.
Okay, so far. However I soon found that what I really needed for
optimum performance was a minimum off time of 25 ticks.
I just discovered that I can reset the resolution from 292 to 120.
25 ticks at 292 is about equal to 15 ticks at 120. So, I thought I had
it made! However my elation at discovering this information was soon
dashed on the rocks of computer program unpredictability.
When I attempted to utilize the overlap function set at 15 ticks with
a resolution of 120, I found it to be totally arbitrary about finding
and adjusting the notes. It would do a small percentage, but cannot be
relied upon to do the job correctly. Of course, it is offered as an
"overlap" fix, not a "minimum spacing" fix; I apparently was just
getting that as a bonus.
If the notes actually do overlap in time, it seems to do the job and
also subtract the 15 ticks. If they do not actually overlap, but are
just closer than 15 ticks, some may adjust, most do not. Go figure.
Okay, so I reset the resolution back to 192, figuring that I could at
least get some consistency on spacing the off times at 15 ticks there.
Now it will not work well in that format either, unless there is an
actual overlap from which to work.
Please advise if you are familiar with other MIDI editing programs
that would have a function that you can set to search out and adjust
the minimum off times between like notes? Any other ideas how I could
approach this problem?
Thanks for your help,
Tom Lear
San Francisco, CA