Dear MMD, I have just returned from the MBSI convention, which was
followed by a week of badly needed vacation. As I stated in an earlier
posting, the Violano rollography is now available either on CD or in
printed form.
In addition to the primary Microsoft Access97 database, the CD has
translations in Excel, HTML, and Mac formats plus scanned copies of
three original Violano roll catalogs, a number of scanned roll labels,
photos and other Violano related information.
The CD is being offered at the introductory price of $55 plus shipping
until 10-11-01, which includes an update in about a year. Shipping in
the US is $3.50, and international shipping is $6. I have a limited
number of the printed copies at $45 each plus shipping (the printed
copies do not include an update in a year).
Because the Access97 version of the database has the most versatility
using the built-in search routines, I made arrangements to obtain a
limited number of original copies of Microsoft Office97 from a software
re-seller for my customers at the MBSI convention who did not have
Access. I will be returning the left-over stock in about two weeks.
If any MMD subscriber would like one of these for $52 plus shipping,
I will be happy to sell them (even if you do not buy the rollography).
This is an incredible deal for a very expensive program that includes
Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint and Outlook. It is not the latest
version, but is more than adequate for most users (we did not upgrade
to the 2000 version at work for example). I am not making any money on
these, but would prefer to sell them rather than return them.
The offer is good for two weeks or until the few copies I have are gone.
I do not normally consider MMD as an advertising forum, but due to time
constraints this is one of the few means I have to pass along this
Jack Breen
Southboro, MA 01772