Hello Everyone, I am pleased to announce that a date of *Oct 26, 2002 *
has been chosen for the Celebrations of the homecoming of the Salzburg
Stier to the Castle high above Salzburg "Hohensalzburg". For more
information on playing your instrument at the celebration please
Herr Otto Fichtinger otto.fichtinger@kronline.at.geentroep [ drop .geentroep to use ]
or myself
Ron Schmuck schmuck@wcl.on.ca.geentroep [ drop .geentroep to use ]
I will also have a workshop at the MBSI convention Aug 10 covering
progress to date complete with video from Salzburg, and The National
Museum, Van Speelklok Tot Pierement in Holland where the Stiers barrels
are being restored and how MIDI is playing a big part in making the new
barrels sound less mechanical!!
Best Regards and see you in Salzburg in 2002.
Ron Schmuck