[ Rae Walzer asked, "Anyone else experiencing 'anti player piano
[ attitudes'?"
Long before I retired from the piano business, I was approached by
"a certain organization of piano tuners" and asked to join their group.
When I mentioned player and reproducing pianos I was told that all
those old things should be removed an put on a bonfire!
At first I was patient and attended a few meetings. Whenever I asked
a question regarding a player piano and making adjustments, not one
member of the group had an answer.
I felt that the purpose of belonging to a group was a way to learn
from others on how to adjust and work with all pianos, but their minds
seemed to be set on straight pianos only. In addition, I found their
slurs toward others who were not members, and the pungent cigar smoke,
most objectionable.
In spite of me telling them I am retired and live more than two hundred
miles from their meeting site, I still receive requests to join their
group and send money for dues! This further confirmed to me that they
are not with it.
Bruce Clark
[ The attitude is probably the result of being called back to the
[ home after the customer discovers that the player doesn't work
[ anymore. See the articles "Player Piano Failed After Tuning".
[ I wonder if PTG nowadays offers new tuners any training on how
[ to deal with the extra problems encountered when tuning and
[ servicing the piano portion of a player piano. -- Robbie