I've been following your letters about the player pianos still in
existence. We purchased our Bellak player piano many years ago and
it played very well without any restoration on our part.
About four years ago I thought I would treat the piano to a tuning.
With recommendation, I had a piano tuner enter the home and tune the
piano. Unknown to me, he seemed to be an anti-player piano person --
why, I do not know. It was several weeks later that we put a roll in
to play and the player piano would not work! The piano works fine but
to this day we can't get the player to make music.
We often wondered if there were a connection between the tuning and
the fact that the player wouldn't work after that visit. Is there some
button or slight adjustment that could have been made to the piano by
the tuner that would have made the player part inoperable? It would
have to be something minor because, although I was not in the room
where the piano was, I was close by and it seemed to be a typical
tuning venture.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Anyone else
experiencing "anti player piano attitudes"?
Rae Walzer