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MMD > Archives > July 2001 > 2001.07.12 > 04Prev  Next

Mills Violano Rollography Available Soon
By John J. Breen

For those of you who were not on my direct mailing list, I want to let
you know that the first release of the Violano rollography will be
available starting 8/11/01 (at the MBSI convention mart).  Even though
this is still a work in progress, I am trying to get copies out to roll
owners so that they can compare their collections to what is in the
data base.  I have not had much input in several months, as might have
been expected after the initial announcements.  A significant amount of
information has been added and updated to the original Reblitz list,
but it still has a way to go.  I am hoping that this release will spur
more input.

The database has been written to run on a PC running Microsoft Access
97 or later.  Translations will also be on the CD for Excel, text and
the Mac.  While these translations will contain most of the information
that is in the primary database, they will not have the functionality
of the Access version.  The CD will also contain other information that
I have collected about the Violano.

The introductory price on the CD will be $55 plus shipping, which will
include an update in about a year when more information has been added.
For those without a computer, printed lists sorted by either roll
number or song title will be available for $45 each plus shipping, but
do not include an update.  Shipments will not commence until September.

If you will be at the MBSI convention and would like either a CD or
printout, please let me know so I can reserve a copy for you.  I will
only be making as many printed copies as are ordered due to the high
cost of each copy.

One of the features that was recently added to the database was the
ability to view the contents of private collections that have been
submitted for inclusion by the owners.  If anyone would like to have
their collections included, please send me a list of roll numbers you
own in the next week or so to give me time to add it.  Owners who buy
the database can easily add this information to their private copies if
they do not wish to make the list available to the general public.

I am hoping that this information will be available, however, to make
future roll cutting projects and other searches easier, owners can also
add details such as spool type, price paid, where bought and other
pertinent data to their own copies.

Jack Breen
2 Granuaile Rd.
Southboro, MA  01772

(Message sent Fri 13 Jul 2001, 02:00:52 GMT, from time zone GMT-0400.)

Key Words in Subject:  Available, Mills, Rollography, Soon, Violano

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