My reaction on the request for a program that displays MIDI files:
Very soon (in approximately one week) I will publish my Miditran
program on my Internet site. I will send notice to MMD at that moment.
Features of the program:
- Complete display of the contents of a MIDI file. You can select or
exclude the events you want to see and the delta times between the
events. File and track header(s) are displayed as well on demand, so
you can produce all sorts of listings; for instance, a list with only
note-ons or a listing with only the tempo events, and so on. The
hexadecimal data is displayed, as well as a complete explanation of
all events in comprehensive English, which is very useful to explore
files and get 'hidden' textual information out of it. (And karaoke
as well. :-) I did implement all the specifications of the 'MIDI
specification' document.
- Miditran can translate the MIDI file to an ASCII file (readable for
human beings like me) with fixed format records, with a record type
per event type. For notes, the real moment of playing is present,
taking in account the tempo changes in the file. Also the note
duration is present.
- Extensive documentation: not only the instructions for use, but also
some documents (thanks to ??) from the Internet that together contain
all information you need to understand MIDI files and to write programs
that handle MIDI. I included the MIDI specification document as well.
I wrote the translate function in Miditran mainly to challenge
programmers to start writing programs that let mechanical instruments
play or let punches automatically punch. Or even do things I never
did think about! And as usual -- Miditran is free.
Regards, Piet Paardekam, Netherlands