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MMD > Archives > June 2001 > 2001.06.05 > 11Prev  Next

Removing Noise From Old Phono Disc Recordings
By Steve McCollum

Following an earlier suggestion (see MMD archives, using DcArt as a
keyword) I purchased a copy of DcArt32.  I have been using it to clean
up my old vinyl LPs preparatory to transcribing them to CD.  With a
decent PC, I can rip through a 15 minute side of an LP in less than
30 seconds.

The trick seems to be to have a fast processor and enough memory to
cache the whole WAV file.  Currently I am using a 533 MHz Pentium III,
with 384 MB of memory and the fastest disk drive that I could scrounge,
an ultra SCSI LVD drive that delivers a sustained 25 MB/second.  I play
the whole side through a pre-amp and line input of my sound card, then
process the noise out, then break it into individual WAV files, then
transfer to CD using GoldenHawk's CDRWin program.

My experience exactly bears out Jeffrey Borinsky's comments in
010604 MMDigest.  You have to have a stylus that fits the groove.
If you are salvaging a mono record, I've found that a .3 x .7 mil
elliptical stylus on a good stereo cartridge does a poorer job than
a 1 mil spherical stylus and a mono cartridge.  (Although, if the
stereo stylus _does_ track the mono record well, you can play tricks
such as subtracting one channel from the other to eliminate vertical
noise.  DcArt provides for this.)

Steve McCollum

(Message sent Tue 5 Jun 2001, 16:10:09 GMT, from time zone GMT-0500.)

Key Words in Subject:  Disc, Noise, Old, Phono, Recordings, Removing

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