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MMD > Archives > June 2001 > 2001.06.05 > 05Prev  Next

Program to List & Display MIDI File Data
By Tom Lear

Keith Thompson wrote:

> Could anyone tell me if there is any program that displays the
> MIDI note numbers contained in a MIDI file?

The "Event List" in PowerTracks by PG Music ( displays
each note in a easily editable chronological list which includes
velocity and duration.  Soft and Sustain pedal and other controls also
appear in the list.  Notes are tagged C 1 through G 10, Middle C is C 5.

Further, in editable roll-notation mode, notes are displayed according
to exact time of occurrence, less stems.  Each note has a green vertical
line (where the stem would normally be) indicating velocity, a green
horizontal line projecting to right of each note indicates duration.
Exact editable information regarding time, velocity and duration can be
brought up by right clicking any note.

The above information is based on PowerTracks Pro Audio 6; version #7
is now available for about $30.  Check out their web-site for samples,
examples, and tutorials.  It's easily learned, and intuitive.  Highly
recommended for MIDI editing.

Tom Lear
San Francisco, CA

 [ In the specification for the Standard MIDI File (SMF) the notes
 [ are numbered from 0 to 127, and Middle C is defined as note 60.
 [ There is no standard for note names using octave numbers, and so
 [ some MIDI editors display Middle C as C5 while others call it C3,
 [ etc.  Confusing!  -- Robbie

(Message sent Tue 5 Jun 2001, 11:42:48 GMT, from time zone GMT-0400.)

Key Words in Subject:  Data, Display, File, List, MIDI, Program

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