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MMD > Archives > May 2001 > 2001.05.30 > 04Prev  Next

Spool Frame for Caliola Project
By Julie Porter

Due to a flurry of work on my Caliola re-construction I thought I would
post an update on the progress.  This began as a set of pumps, with
crankshaft and gear reducer, the main stack with all valves complete,
and some miscellaneous roll frame parts.

I used the PhotoModeler program (MMD 2000.10.02.01) to generate
computer aided plans for the case.  This is so I could place the
bellows into position and capture the placement of the windchest.
I am subcontracting the manufacture of the pallets to a company that
makes moldings.  These are being made to the dimensions in the plans
by Bob Stanoszek (MMD 2001.05.21.09, recommended.)  I ordered extra
parts so if anyone is interested in a set of the wooden pallets for
a Wurlitzer 104/105 or a Caliola, I will have some available in the
near future.

I was successful in my search for the left hand side plate of the roll
frame.  I even located an original tracker bar!  The plates were a bit
rusted so I was able to sandblast them in a friends tool and die shop.
In laying out the parts I find that I have most of the pieces needed
to complete the frame.

I can not extol too much the enjoyment I am getting out of the 'aided
design' programs.  I do want to stress the word 'aided'.  These do no
more than a drawing board or graph paper.  This project is quite real.
It seems I am not alone in my wanting to restore rollframes.  In
working offline with Robbie and several other members of the MMD I have
been working on the missing gears (properly called wheels) for this

It has been several years since I have placed an order for gears from
Boston ( and Berg (
Note that there are other companies (clothing, electronics) that have
similar names or are distributors.  On manufactures sites are tools for
working with gear designs.  This includes the download of DXF format
models of the gears.  This is the same format the PhotoModeler program

In working out the gears for the simplex frame, I thought I would
tackle the problem of the duplex frame again.  I have enough to
complete the Caliola.  There may be parts for a half a dozen more

Would there be interest for five members of the MMD to put together
a subscription for me to have replicated the parts to make the 5
additional frames?  My Caliola is a warm-up to a 165 project.  For
this I need a Duplex frame.  Robbie has offered to make drawing of
the needed parts.

When I mentioned my search for roll frame a few months ago someone
emailed me from a foundry.  I misplaced the message.  If they could
contact me again I am now in the position to provide some of the

I am still seeking information as to some of the linkage castings used
on the duplex frame.  This for the benefit of all here on the MMD.
I must say how impressed I have been in the assistance of the members
in helping me to find the parts I did.

Julie Porter

 [ A photo of Julie's APP-style spool frame under construction for
 [ the Caliola is at  -- Robbie

(Message sent Wed 30 May 2001, 04:28:28 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  Caliola, Frame, Project, Spool

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