Concerning Martin Anderson's request for rolls for a 65-note Wilcox
& White instrument (MMD 01.04.15): it would seem that, since he is
having the instrument restored, his immediate need would be for a
test roll.
I have the 58-note version of this instrument, an Orchestral, which
I want to get restored, and I also need a test roll. If anyone has
a 58-note test roll for sale, please let me know; and if they have
a 65-note one, I'm sure Mr. Anderson would like to hear from them.
If, as is probably the case, none are for sale, perhaps someone can
describe one, so they can be made. Since the instrument plays both
the organ and the piano, I would assume that like piano test rolls,
each note would play several times in staccato fashion to test for
reiteration, followed by a sustained play. This might be followed by
some chords. This of course is a guess; I would appreciate hearing
from anyone who knows.
If anyone has any spools for the 58-note instrument, I would like to
buy two: one for the test roll, and one because I have an otherwise
good roll from which someone removed the spool.
Musically yours
Cecil Grace