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I'm writing on behalf of Gerald Kolac who, in the 1970s as Keyboard
Specialties, manufactured pneumatic player stacks. These were
installed in some 600 Wurlitzer pianos, and also 120 other pianos
(mostly Laughead Studio Uprights) that were set up for coin operation.
He would like to sell the remaining parts he has in stock, which
include various stack components and also some spoolboxes on which
10-tune rolls (spliced from regular 88-note rolls) were played.
The stacks were originally designed by Jim Ballantine of New Jersey,
and some people may recall seeing a brief article on same in the Vestal
Press House Organ.
The stack was designed to be adaptable to any scale. Two tiers of
pneumatics can be repositioned on their aluminum mounting rails. The
unit valves are detachable, and when disassembled there is a neoprene
pouch with a brass grommet that has a bleed.
I happen to own one stack, but as the valves need refacing I cannot
give any opinion as to how efficient it was. (I'm in upstate New York,
near Ithaca; anyone nearby who wants to inspect the thing is welcome to
contact me.) The design certainly looks ingenious; maybe someone on
MMD who has encountered these before can give their opinion as to
practical value?
Anyway, I have no personal stake in the matter, so interested parties
can contact the owner directly. He is
Gerald A. Kolac
9217 Fowler Ln.
Lanham, MD 20706
tel.: 301-577-0937
Richard Friedman