I'm finishing an expression box from a Steinway Duo-Art and have
discovered the regulator springs are the same. I understand you
need a stronger spring on the theme side in order to get the theme
side to perform as it was intended.
I need a spring! I'm not sure if I have two strong or two weak
springs. If someone else is in the same situation we can measure
the strengths and do a trade. If not I will need to get a spring
or another set. Any ideas will be appreciated.
I would like to take this time to thank two MMDer's, Craig Brougher
and Al Pebworth, who have be unfailing in their help. Both of these
guys have been a tremendous help and encouragement with this expression
box, which happens to be my first. They have both given me solid
advice and great council about the restoration. It truly means a lot
to have some folks who are _willing_ to help, and these two have been
very unselfish with their knowledge and time. Thanks men!
By the way, did anyone get the February AMICA?
Sam Harris - Greenville, North Carolina
Player Piano Restorations Illustrated