You can find a lot of TTF-files (T-rue T-ype F-onts) on the web
containing musical symbols, especially if you download demo versions
of music notation and sequencer programs, e.g., Sibelius, Encore,
PGMusic and so on. They will install fonts named 'anastasia.ttf',
'fretsX.ttf' (for guitar tablature), 'sonata.ttf'. Fonts are also
available for percussion notation purposes, many of them as freeware
or postcard-ware or shareware.
To use it in _all_ your Windows-applications (if fonts are supported)
you can best manage it with the program 'charmap.exe'. Here you can
select the font you like, copy it to the clipboard and paste it into
your document, or you will be told about assignment to the buttons on
your keyboard for direct typing respectively about the magic 'Alt' +
numeric keypad numbers.
Claus Kucher