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MMD > Archives > February 2001 > 2001.02.28 > 05Prev  Next

Value of Yamaha MX100A Disklavier
By Gary Rasmussen

I have been asked by my local municipality to help purchase a newer
solenoid player piano for use in one of our township buildings (a huge
old farm house in a park) that is rented out for special events.
Baldwin Piano Company loaned us a new Concertmaster unit at Christmas
that was greatly enjoyed.  (Baldwin world headquarters is about one
mile from this building.)  It has been determined that we want an
upright studio type player piano.  New units from Baldwin and similar
Yamaha units seem to be in the $8000 range.

A local citizen has offered to sell his Yamaha MX100A, manufactured
about 1991.  Since others know I am "into" players, I was asked to help
determine its value.  (Never mind the fact that the newest player I
work on is close to 70 years old!)  I checked it out and it looks like
brand new inside and out, shiny black finish, not a scratch on it.

It hasn't been tuned for 5 years, but the considering that, the tuning
was better than I expected.  It has brass wheels that I will need to
replace with rubber.  Included with the purchase is also about $1000
(retail value) of music.  He does not have the unit that allows
background music to be played through speakers, with the live piano.

Can someone help me put a value on it?  How many dollars do these go
for?  How much might it be able to be appraised for?  He wants $4000.
Since our municipality can accept tax deductible gifts, if it can be
justified to be appraised for more, I was thinking about lowering the
cash offer, and give him a charitable giving receipt for an additional

I would appreciate any help that can be given to help determine the
fair value of this Yamaha Disklavier.

Thank you,

Gary Rasmussen
Mason, Ohio (Cincinnati area)

(Message sent Wed 28 Feb 2001, 23:15:39 GMT, from time zone GMT-0500.)

Key Words in Subject:  Disklavier, MX100A, Value, Yamaha

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