MMD brings me great pleasure. I'm an avid reader and an occasional
contributor. For those of us in isolated places the MMD is a vital
link with colleagues and friends, and a positive force for the
preservation and enhancement of mechanical music.
When the donation system was announced I contributed: credit card
facilities made it straightforward to do so and without them payment
from here is difficult or expensive.
Today's dollar exchange rate means that the $US30 contribution costs
$NZ69.58. That's a significant amount of money.
If a compulsory charge is necessary to ensure the continuation of
MMD I will find a way to pay it. But if payment were to be introduced
for administrative reasons only, or to separate real from casual
supporters, it would impose hardship on some of us.
I hope I can continue to receive and contribute to MMD: I will do
so as long as I can afford to.
Meanwhile I am working hard to prepare my collection for the visit
next week by 93 members of AMICA, coming here from the USA after the
meeting in Australia. And yes, after two years of work, the Decap
is playing!
Michael Woolf
New Zealand