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MMD > Archives > February 2001 > 2001.02.14 > 08Prev  Next

Charging Fees for MMD
By Bryan Cather

This morning I read (via the MMD website) with more than a little bit
of shock John Tuttle's comments about charging for the MMD.  But my
shock does not come in John (and, apparently, others) proposing a
subscription charge for the MMD.  I have often marveled at the fact
that this publication exists WITHOUT such a fee.

No, friends, my shock came at the revelation that there are people
apparently receiving the MMD who do not want it.  That this can happen,
when I have been trying, unsuccessfully, FOR OVER A YEAR to
re-subscribe after an absence and change of ISP, is baffling.

That persons are receiving the MMD who do not wish to, when I, who
was for several years an avid reader and more than an occasional
contributor (look at the page of roll label images if you have any
doubts) now cannot seem to get re-subscribed after trying at least
half-a-dozen times in these past several months, is baffling, if not
somewhat disconcerting.  To add insult to injury, I have had no
explanation from the MMD staff even attempting to explain this

I would _gladly_ pay a fee to receive the MMD, if my budget allows
it, but I am not about to forward my credit card information unless
I can have some assurance that my subscription will actually happen.
Am I being unreasonable to expect to begin receiving (as of right now)
a free daily publication a few days (or weeks, or even a month) after

Bryan "Catt" Cather =^:^=
Arlington, TX

(Message sent Wed 14 Feb 2001, 14:37:47 GMT, from time zone GMT-0500.)

Key Words in Subject:  Charging, Fees, MMD

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