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MMD > Archives > February 2001 > 2001.02.14 > 06Prev  Next

Charging Fees for MMD
By Jim Canavan

Being heavily involved in web design in my job, I know that Jody and
Robbie put a lot of hard work into this wonderful on-line
"publication." That being said, I'm in the same position of many others
here, having a number of interests and subscribing to numerous print

$30 a year seems rather high to me personally.  I am a member of MBSI
for $45/year (which includes two print publications), am member of the
Train Collectors Association at $25/year (likewise includes two
publications), and subscribe to Classic Toy Train magazine for $36 per

Don't get me wrong; I love browsing the MMD each morning, and often
find items of interest.  I also realize the work involved in
maintaining the mailing list, etc., but I have a feeling if there was
a mandatory fee, that membership would drop substantially, and that
wouldn't benefit any of us in the hobby.

Might I suggest changing from an email digest to pure web content?
Check out the site for film collecting (yet another of my hobbies): .  In order to access the discussion areas
(which work similar to our entries in MMD), one must register (a free
process which involves giving name, email, password, etc.).  The site
is free, and has much the same feel of camaraderie and family as does
the MMD group.  We have even had film get-togethers to meet each other
(fortunately for me the site owner lives in the Washington DC area

Just something to consider.

Jim Canavan
Alexandria, VA

(Message sent Wed 14 Feb 2001, 13:39:13 GMT, from time zone GMT-0500.)

Key Words in Subject:  Charging, Fees, MMD

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