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MMD > Archives > February 2001 > 2001.02.14 > 04Prev  Next

Charging Fees for MMD
By Sam Harris

I have noticed a few of the MMD'ers have mentioned they donate to the
MMD already!  I have also.  (Well, come to think of it, I tried giving
via the credit card.  I'll have to go back and make sure it was

Since we are talking about the financial support of the MMD it might be
useful to know how many are already contributing and how much revenue
is already being received.  If the revenue is sufficient then in my
opinion this discussion is a waste of time.

If I were the editor I would rather have contributions on a free will
basis.  If it were mandatory then I would be more accountable for the
way the money is used and therefore an annual report of income and
expenses would be needed.  In my opinion it would not be worth the
added book keeping!

The editing and management of the MMD is already _way too much work!_
I would hate to see the addition of keeping up with memberships, dues,
budgets and reports added to the work load.  Do we really need an
electronic AMICA?

Another point would be accessing the MMD Archives. If the MMD went to a
paid membership would it not also protect the Archives from non-paying
surfers?  I think it would have to.  Then I have a real problem!  I
think the MMD is a wonder reference tool that should be opened to the
surfing public.  I know right now some of you are saying, "Sam, we
should be willing to pay for such great reference material."  I know
this thought is out there among the membership, and we have heard that
argument before.  I agree!  I sent in my donation; have you?

Jody and Robbie are the key here.  If they are receiving enough
revenue to operate the MMD without any cost to them then things are
working fine.  Maybe we should find out what the purpose of the MMD is.
Do we have a purpose statement?

I do have real concerns about Jody and Robbie not being sufficiently
compensated for all their hard work.  According the Archives,
Mechanical Music Digest was started April 17th, 1995!  I think it is
time to set up an annual "editor appreciation day."  I think the date
should be April 17th to coincide with the very first MMD.  All who are
willing could write a letter to be included on the MMD.  I also think
it would be very nice to send a little money gift to the editors
themselves.  All of this could be our way of saying "Thanks! And keep
up the great work!"  Let's here from the rest of you about it!

Sam Harris
Player Piano Restorations Illustrated
Greenville, North Carolina

(Message sent Wed 14 Feb 2001, 07:08:34 GMT, from time zone GMT-0500.)

Key Words in Subject:  Charging, Fees, MMD

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