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MMD > Archives > January 2001 > 2001.01.31 > 03Prev  Next

Duo-Art Article in 1922 Harper's New Monthly
By Terry Smythe

Off eBay, I now have in hand the first in a multi-part series, "The
Wonder of the Duo-Art".  It apparently emerged in 1922 in a periodical
called Harper's New Monthly, one I've never heard of.  This current one
has the following intro:

  "The Wonder of the Duo-Art

  "This is the first in a series of articles on the Duo-Art piano.
   Later issues of this magazine will contain articles by Ignaz Jan
   Paderewski, Josef Hofmann and others who will discuss the Duo-
   Art from an educational and cultural standpoint.   The article
   this month was written by Mr. Deems Taylor, music critic of the
   New York World, and originally appeared in a recent Sunday
   edition of that paper."

This 4-page article indicates the magazine is about the same size as
National Geographic, similarly bound with two staples, published on a
pale peach colored paper of high quality.  I have no recollection of it
ever reprinted in the AMICA Bulletin.

The article has no header, footer, nor page number to verify that it
did indeed come from Harper's New Monthly, a publication I've never
heard of.  Can someone confirm there is such a publication by this
name, or perhaps one close in name and size.

I'm trying to gather the other parts of this article, number unknown.
I've been poking around on the 'Net for sources and/or discussion about
this kind of ephemera, but have found nothing so far.

By some wild chance, does anybody on MMD have any or all the parts to
this very interesting series of articles?  Any suggestions to start
searching?  I see considerable merit in having the series reprinted for
collectors worldwide and/or published on my web site.


Terry Smythe
Winnipeg, MB, Canada

(Message sent Thu 1 Feb 2001, 03:30:19 GMT, from time zone GMT-0600.)

Key Words in Subject:  1922, Article, Duo-Art, Harper's, Monthly, New

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