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MMD > Archives > January 2001 > 2001.01.27 > 04Prev  Next

Music Media Prices
By Alan Pell

Hello everyone!  In MMDigest 010126 Kevin McElhone compared the cost
[actually, the price] of paper roll music from different sources,
including ourselves.

I wonder if his comparisons were fair.  Unlike our rolls, it is
possible to buy them from other suppliers without boxes, punched on
plain paper (not the more durable 'plastic paper') and supplied with
less than perfect spool ends.  The price he quoted for our music
includes 17.5% VAT which is only applicable in the U.K.

Our roll prices have been calculated on the cost of materials and
labour.  Since we only produce a small amount of music with our
antiquated manual punching machine, which we are about to retire and
go over to our computer driven auto punching machine, the price will
hopefully be more competitive, even though this is not a major part of
our business.

Alan Pell
Spalding U.K.

(Message sent Sat 27 Jan 2001, 13:46:58 GMT, from time zone GMT.)

Key Words in Subject:  Media, Music, Prices

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