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MMD > Archives > January 2001 > 2001.01.27 > 02Prev  Next

Music Rolls Defined As Sheet Music
By Karl Ellison

Julian Dyer recently wrote:

> I understand that in the USA piano rolls count as sheet music (Jody
> wrote about a court ruling defining this, with regards to MIDI files),
> so 'sheet music' is perfectly correct for customs declarations from
> the USA.

This was true, and is apparently no longer.  M-Bag rates are now
dichotomized into "Books and Sheet Music and Periodicals", and, all
else.  The latter category costs 50% more than the former..  On a lark,
I wrote the U.S. Postal service asking their position of piano rolls as
sheet music in regards to M-Bags:.  This is their reply:

> The player piano rolls do not qualify for the book and sheet music
> rates but can be sent at the regular M-Bag rates.  - Postal Explorer

Karl Ellison
Salem, Massachusetts U.S.A.

 [ At is the USPS definition of "Media Mail
 [(Book Rate)", dated 08 Jan 2001:
 [ "Generally used for books (at least eight pages), film (16 mm or
 [ narrower), printed music, printed test materials, sound recordings,
 [ play scripts, printed educational charts, loose-leaf pages and
 [ binders consisting of medical information, and computer-readable
 [ media.  Advertising restrictions apply. ... Mark each package
 [ "Media Mail" in the postage area.
 [ Maybe we could argue that a music roll is "computer-readable media!"
 [ -- Robbie

(Message sent Sat 27 Jan 2001, 12:33:17 GMT, from time zone GMT-0500.)

Key Words in Subject:  As, Defined, Music, Rolls, Sheet

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