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MMD > Archives > January 2001 > 2001.01.25 > 01Prev  Next

20-Note Organ by Axel Stueber, Berlin
By Ingmar Krause

Hi!  I just found an auction for mechanical music instruments by
a Swiss dealer, Hanspeter Kyburz [].
Underneath the big list of mechanica I found an instrument that caught
my attention, of course!

It said it is a 20-note paper roll pipe organ and there was already
one bid of $1000.  I took a look and recognized it immediately:

It is indeed a 20-note paper roll pipe organ, but -- as those guys
didn't seem to know -- it was made by Axel Stueber, Berlin, in real
"Berlin Style"!  The instrument new is worth about 5000 DM, plus there
are 100 rolls included, which you can calculate at about 100-120 DM
each.  Here is the URL:

  2O note paper roll pipe organ

And YES, this IS worth money, as it is amazingly light yet strong and
loud in sound -- and I mean *sound* this time.  ;-)

All I hope is MMD comes out fast enough.  From sending this email
it is just another 19 hours until the end of the auction.  Bid now!

greetings by(e) InK - Ingmar Krause

P.S.: As always I'm not related in any ways to the seller.
(But look for my own auctions, of course: 'Ariston' <hint hint!> )

 [ A typical music roll for a 20er crank organ weighs about 300
 [ grams (11 ounces), same as a medium-size Ampico piano roll.
 [ So why does a 20-note music roll cost 50-60 USD but a '100-note'
 [ Ampico roll of the same weight is only 15-25 USD?  -- Robbie

(Message sent Fri 26 Jan 2001, 02:26:53 GMT, from time zone GMT+0100.)

Key Words in Subject:  20-Note, Axel, Berlin, Organ, Stueber

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