Hi All, Most American player technicians rarely get to see player
mechanisms that were made in foreign countries. Recently I've been
corresponding with a gentleman in France who provided me with some
pictures of the French-made Odeola player action.
Although this may sound a little odd, I find the action very handsome,
and it appears to have been very well built. Notable differences that
I can see so far include:
(1) a four-chamber air-motor,
(2) striker fingers that are sandwiched between the
first and second tiers of striker pneumatics, and
(3) the tempo control box is mounted on the upper section.
Hopefully, the attached photos will be added to the Archives.
John A. Tuttle
[ Thanks for sharing the photos, John. I'll place them at
[ the MMD Pictures site, http://mmd.foxtail.com/Pictures/
[ -- Robbie