Merry Christmas all, Kim Bunker from here from
We just acquired a new toy (Pierre Eich Super Violin Orchestrion)
and we only got one roll with it. We are looking for more rolls.
Does anybody have any for sale?
They measure, inside the wooden spool ends, about 12-3/4", and
usually say on the roll "Pierre Eich Super Violin", but not always.
Also, usually each roll contains four tunes.
The spool ends are wood, with a square threaded pin on one end
(where there is a thick-looking staple next to the pin) and on the
other end a round pin. If any of you have anything like this please
let us know via phone or email. Our shop number is 714-432-7426
and email is <>
I haven't written in for a long time because at Christmas time we
are so busy that it's hard to even read all our email, and so I
generally take time on Sundays, like today, to update myself with all
the MMD newsletters acquired during the week. Thanks for now.
Sincerely, Kim Bunker