In MMD 001211 Kevin McElhone asked for the tuning scale of the
Aristonette. Here it is:
d, e, a, h, cis',
d, e, fis, gis, a, h, cis'',
d, dis, e, fis, g, gis, a
One has to keep in mind that the absolute pitch may be different on
each individual instrument. One instrument which I have in my
collection has the following pitch (measured with a = 440 Hz):
e, fis, h, cis', dis,
e, fis, gis, ais, h, cis'', dis,
e, f, fis, gis, a, ais, h
Christian Greinacher
[ The traditional note names are equivalent to:
[ D,E,A,B,C#, D,E,F#,G#,A,B,C#, D,D#,E,F#,G,G#,A
[ This gamma seems to be best for songs in key of D or A.
[ Thanks for the information, Christian. -- Robbie