"Shameless Promotion"
Dear MMD, Our full color fall catalog and order form can be downloaded
in PDF form at: http://members.aol.com/meliora2/MelioraC.pdf
We are now offering a money-back guarantee on many of our new or
unknown titles, to encourage folks to "branch out" a bit.
The main web site http://members.aol.com/meliorarol now has
downloadable order forms in Word or WordPerfect, and we accept credit
cards (even internationally!) through PayPal.
Thanks, MMD, for your support!
Tim Baxter
Meliora Music Rolls
P.S. Robbie and Jody did not caption this article as "shameless
promotion" -- I did!
[ A one-time announcement like this is news -- news of a new product
[ or service available to MMDers -- and so it's a "shameless promotion"
[ which is welcome. Good luck to you, Tim! -- Robbie