Below are some possible Deagan resources which I dug out of the MMD
archives in response to Mario Cordova's query to the 001015 MMD. But
why wouldn't it be simpler and cheaper to have the solenoid coil of the
striking mechanism rewound, if the trouble is, as it sounds, a short
circuit in the coil?
Here is the man who is the Master repairman and service technician
for Deagan Tower Chimes:
Mr. William Pugh
909 West 6th
Lawrence, Kansas 66044
(913) 842-2782
He has done most of the work on these historic systems and also has
original parts in stock. Is presently completing refurbishing of the
historic Deagan chimes in the city hall of Asheville, N.C.
For all things Deagan, I'd start with a call to Greg Filardo, 2432
W. Kilbourn Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53233. Don't have his phone number
here at hand, but he has done research on Deagan and can help you if
anybody can.
Matthew Caulfield